I love to study about God's love because I believe love is truly the essence of who God is. In fact, I John 4:16, tells us "GOD IS LOVE". Last night I was reading 1 John 4 and rediscovered verses 9-10, "God showed how much He loved us by sending His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life though HIm. This is real love - not that we loved God, but that HE loves us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." !!!!
I don't know how you feel, but to me - that's exciting news! Often we think the key to our success as Christians is loving God more. However, scripture clearly reveals that our relationship with God is based on His love for us! We don't have to perform for God's love or be perfect. He loves us unconditionally, always has and always will!
I'm not suggesting that we should just live any kind of way because we know God loves us. I'm suggesting if we focus on God's great love for us, then the only response would be loving Him in return. A revelation of God's love toward us would make obedience and trust a piece of cake. We would never think that God is withholding something good from us. We would realize that when God says, "Not now" or "She/he is not right for you" it comes from His desire for us to experience true joy and peace in life. We would also have a confident assurance that when God promised to provide all our needs according to His riches in Glory - HE MEANT IT!
For those struggling because of gas prices and the economy, I encourage you to take this time and jump deep in God's love for you. Worry and complaining won't bring the prices down and does nothing to give you peace, but focusing on how much God loves you will position you to receive the provision He has already provided! I pray that you will grow to perfection in His love. I am convinced that the same God who gave his Son to give us life is willing and able to provide gas (and anything else) for his children. What do you think?