Monday, November 30, 2009


I just want to thank all of you who take the time to read the blog! I pray that it inspires and challenges you to know God and pursue Him daily! Many of you email me personally and I appreicate it so much! But I know that others would be encouraged by your comments so please share some of your comments on the blog so others can read them. Finally, please pass this blog on to someone you know who might enjoy it!


Have a fabulous day!

Respond Radically!

When the religious leaders asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment, He responded, "To love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind. And the second is just as important to love thy neighbor as thyself." To love someone with everything you have is to love radically! Why does God ask for that? Because it's the type of love He gives us. He displayed the extremeness of His love for mankind when He sent His beloved Son as the payment for the sins of the world. As Christians we graciously and happily receive His gift, but yet we sometimes struggle to respond in the same manner.

This love life that God has called us to outrageous! It calls for us to love God with every fiber of our being and to love our enemies, the unlovable and those without the ability to love us back just as we would love ourselves. Sounds impossible, doesn't it? It is for a natural man, but according to Romans 5:5, this same love that God shows to us has been placed in our heart by His Holy Spirit. In other words, HE has downloaded the ability to love radically in the hearts of every believer. So the question is no longer, can we love like that, but will we?

This love causes us to give to others even when it hurts or causes our discomfort. It demands that we keep praying, keep reaching out and keep responding the hurts of humanity even when we'd rather just put a good movie in and ignore all the drama. For God, loving radically is not optional, it's a commandment. In 1 John, He tells us that without this love, we don't even belong to Him! How sad it would be to spend your life going to church doing the "right" things only to discover you had neglected what was most important: cultivating and sharing God's radical love.

Matthew 25 tells us how serious love is for God. There are people who stand before Jesus and He tells them that He never knew them. Why? Because when they saw the hungry, they refused to feed them. They saw needs and refused to meet them because they were consumed with meeting their own needs. Jesus tells those people who lived selfishlessly to depart from Him b/c He doesn't know them. In other words, they had no love and you can't have Jesus without having love b/c He is LOVE!

Often when someone challenges us to give up more for God, we are quick to say, "It doesn't take all that", but scripture after scripture tells us that it does indeed take all that! God isn't asking for what we can spare....He's asking for it all!

What's the last radical thing you've done for God? When's the last time you've been out of your comfort zone to respond to the needs of another? When's the last time you shared the gospel with someone who wasn't already saved? No matter what you've been told, these things aren't suggestions from God, but commandments!

"If you love Me, keep my commandments." The greatest commandment is love...are you responding radically with love? I challenge you to pray for a heart to love like God does and for opportunities to respond radically with love to someone daily!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are you lukewarm?

I'm going to share a couple quotes with you from a book I'm reading called, "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. As you read this quote, I want you to examine only yourself...not your friends, family, co-workers or fellow church members. Just ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you, where you fit in this.

I think it's so easy to blame the problems of the church on each other, but truth is we are each a part of the church. We often use the faults of others as excuses for our behavior when the only standard for our lives always has been and always will be Jesus. I believe that God is challenging each of us to allow ourselves to be transformed into His image as we learn to die to ourselves and embrace Jesus. Often our obedience is to avoid penalties or consequences which is why it's either grievous or short lived. God has invited us to know his extravegant and unending love and then poured that same love in us through His Holy Spirit.

It's so easy to get caught up in things that don't really matter and forget what's important. Here's the deal...Jesus is the star of this movie and we are merely extras! Now let's praise God that He treats us "extras" as royalty pouring out the very same love, favor and provision He has for Jesus. Often we forget that He created us....we didn't make Him up to serve our needs and fulfill our every wish. He's not a genie...He's God Almighty and what's more HE has chosen each of us have an intimate relationship with Him. Through Christ we have access to God! But yet we often choose the comforts of maintaing our control and fitting in over the adventure of truly walking with God.

Here are the quotes...

"Lukewarm people don't really want to be saved from their sin; they only want to be saved from the penalty of their sin. They don't genuinely hate sin and aren't truly sorry for it; they are merely sorry because God is going to punish them. Lukewarm people don't really believe that this new life Jesus offers is better than the old sinful life."

"Lukewarm people tend to choose what's is popular over what is right when they are in conflict. They desire to fit in both at church and outside of church; they care more about what people think about thie actions (like church attendance and giving) than what God thinks about their hearts and lives."

"Lukewarm people rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers or friends. They do not want to be rejected, nor do they want to make people uncomfortable by talking about private issues like religion."

"Lukewarm people say they love Jesus, and He is, indeed a part of their lives. But only a part. They give Him a section of their time, their money and their thoughts, but He isn't allowed to control their lives."

"Lukewarm people are continually concerned with playing it safe; they are slaves to the god of control. This focus on safe living keeps them from sacfrificing and risking for God."

So.....are you lukewarm? Let me hear from you.....

You should order this will challenge you to give everything to God and live the way He intended you to. check out the site!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

God Encounters - Revealing Sandcastles

Have you ever been walking through life minding your own business and all of sudden God shows you something that "jacks you up?" I must admit it's happened to me on a couple of occasions and I guess I should be use to it by now, but somehow I'm not. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been in that place. A place where God reveals something to me about how I think that is so contrary to how He thinks that it leaves me overwhelmed by the majesty of who He is.

It started with these words, "I am taking you out of the box and when I'm finished you will never fit in that box again, even if you try." Immediately, I begin searching my mind for things I would consider boxes, but then I went about my day of being a wife, mother, pastor, friend and PTA president. A couple of days later, I heard, "I am not calling you to bondage, but to freedom." Right after He spoke to me, the phone rang; someone in my life needed me so I put His Words aside to take the call. A few more days passed and I read a story about a woman named Anna who visits heaven. While Anna is there, she meets an angel named Crystal Clear who invites her to play. As they walk along the beach, Crystal Clear says, "Haven't you always wanted to build a sandcastle?" Anna laughs and says, "I don't think I have." Crystal Clear says, "Sure you want to build a life on earth and all of earth is sand." OUCH! I like Anna gain a revelation that is crystal clear...just because something is noble or good...doesn't mean it's God.

For the last several days, I have prayerfully brought every area of my life under the microscope of the Holy Spirit. The thought of spending my life building things that God considers a waste of time is really more than I can bear. During this time, the Holy Spirit reminded me that God's greatest desire is develop the nature of Christ in each of us so that we can experience true fellowship with Him. He challenged me to stop comparing myself today with the "old me" and reminded me that Christ always has been and will always be the standard...can I say OUCH again? He asked me many questions, "Why do I pastor, parent or counsel?" Do I do what I do because it's comfortable...did I choose it or did He? He reminded me that everything I do should be out of my love for Him, not a sense of obligation or an expecation of reward...He is my Reward!

He also told me that true freedom is found in being who HE created me to be, not who I am most comfortable being. I realized that it so easy to get caught up "doing" life that you forget to choose LIFE (Jesus) and while you love Him, you aren't cultivating the relationship. It's even easier to look to Jesus for a way out of our pain and discomfort without looking to give Him our life to do with as He chooses. We want our needs met, but we don't want offer any real commitment...we want the benefits of His sacrifice without offering our own.

Just because we go to church, read our bibles and say the right things doesn't mean we aren't building on sand. Are we doing our list of righteous acts because we truly love Jesus and desire Him above all or because we're finally tired of the pain we reap when we do things our own way? What do we value most? Jesus or the benefits we get from being with healing, favor, promotion? How many times has God asked us to make adjustments in our lives, but we respond by telling Him all we need to accomplish? Until our number one motivation for life is LIFE (Jesus) we will be stuck building in the sand.

Here's one of the most recent things He said, "I'm not against fun and adventure. I'm the author of fun, but the fun and satisfaction of the flesh (means doing things our way instead of knowing and following His way) always results in the death of our fellowship. There are things that I desire to show you, to show all of my children that are beyond your imagination...if you would just stop building sandcastles I could show you real adventure and real life."

I'm always amazed that an Almighty God desires to have such close fellowship with me. Even when I am building sandcastles He longs to show me things of eternal value. I must admit be jacked up by God is overwhelming, but I'm always glad He cares enough to do it!

As brothers and sisters in Christ why don't we challenge ourselves and each other to make sure that what we esteem and hold dear with what God values as well? Is there anyone else out there who through playing with sand?

If the Lord is talking to you about any of this...please share! We would love to hear from you! Love you!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Gift for you

Hey guys,

For the past couple of weeks, the Lord has really impressed upon my to pursue His presence above all. He is constantly reminding me that there is no lack in Him. It can be tempting to get so caught up dealing with cares of life that we forget that Jesus is our live. Last week I taught a message entitled "Who is Jesus to you" where I challenged myself and the partners of our church to really examine our relationship with Christ. I decided to share a clip of that message with you.

Is it just me or is it so hard to listen to yourself on audio? LOL! I'm still laughing at myself for a number of reasons. First, I am so southern (I prefer that over country). Second, I preach so hard (I can't help it, I get excited about God. Third, I preach so hard (Really I do...) But in spite of all the things that I don't like about how I sound, I know that the things I shared in the message are life changing and straight from the heart of God.

I believe that God is doing amazing things in the earth and that He's looking for people who will surrender everything to pursue Him. I'm answering the call...I want to be one of those people. Let's not miss out on all God desires to do in the earth being consumed by things that don't last or really matter.

Listen to the may have to turn the volume down (LOL!), but I believe you will be challenged to look at Jesus in a new and fresh way. Tell me what you think when you finish...did it challenge you to refocus on Jesus? What did God say to you?

I can't wait to hear from you! Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Your Father wants so much more!

“Tell my children to stop pursuing Me for stuff and pursue Me for Me!” He said.

“Is that what we’re doing?” I asked.

“Yes and you will never get my best looking at my hand. Look for my face. I want you to want to know me. I’ve called you into intimate fellowship with me so that I can show you so many things.” He said.

“I’m sorry Lord….I never meant to do that to you.” I said feeling convicted…

“I know you didn’t mean too. Most of my children don’t mean to do it, but they’ve never spent enough time with me to know that providing for their natural needs is my good pleasure. I know what you need before you need and I’ve already provided. But there’s something more than natural needs, I want to show you spiritual things, great things that will amaze you…if you’ll give me a chance.” He said.

It was odd because the Lord seemed a little sad. I had never pictured him as sad before. Even though I was speaking He responded to my thoughts.

“I am sad, my daughter, sad that my children don’t really know me. I’m sad that they run in to my presence with their list of needs and run out as soon as they’ve told me all about them. I’m sad that knowing me is never on that list.”

Immediately my eyes flooded with tears. It was as though I could feel his pain, but it more than pain, it was his desire to have a relationship with each of us. It was an intense longing. In that instant, I made a decision. I wanted to know my Father is the way that He desired to reveal Himself. I was ready for something more.

“I created you because I want family, relationship and intimacy! I don’t want a group of followers who only see me as Creator…I want to be your Father…Your Dad! I want to show you wonderful things that have never been revealed. Occasionally, one of my sons or daughters will become consumed with knowing me and I have the opportunity to show them things that are only a ministry to most others. I’d like to do that for each of my children.”

“I can’t speak for them, but You can do it for me.” I said

Here’s a little secret…The miracle of provision is this, when you abide in me, you have the same life I have. It is a life filled with passion, provision and power. Make me your life and you will never lack and good thing. I will provide for you beyond what you could imagine, but you have to seek my face in order to experience it.”

“Ok so what do I do now?” I asked

“Let me talk to you throughout the day. Spend time in my Word. Expect me to reveal more and more of who I am to you. Take me off of a time schedule, get me out of the box and let’s have an adventure.” He said

“I’d love to!” All of a sudden everything else that once seemed so important seemed insignificant at the thought of knowing my Father, my Dad like never before. I was looking for the adventure.

“Shun, can you do one more thing for me?” He asked

“Yes, Dad, I’ll do anything for you.”

“Tell your brothers and sisters what I’ve shared with you. Tell them I want something more. Tell them I’m waiting.”

This conversation with God impacted my life in ways that I can’t fully explain. What I can tell you is knowing that God desires to have a real relationship with me changed me. It changed my priorities and my perspective. My heart is overflowing with love for Him, for you! He is showing me things, I never knew. I’m praying for you…that you will make a decision to know your Father and go on this great adventure in Him!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who is Jesus to you?

There are many people who acknowledge that Jesus did come to earth. Some consider him a false prophet, while others think that he was one of the great prophets filled with age old wisdom. Here’s what Paul had to say about that:

“For although there may be so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many of them, both of gods and of lords and masters. Yet for us there is only one God, the Father who is the Source of all things and for Whom we have life and one Lord, Jesus Christ by Whom are all things and through and by Whom we ourselves exist.” 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 (amp)

Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father. There are many Christians who readily accept Jesus as Savior. They acknowledge that through the Cross, He has paid the penalty for sin allowing us to be reconciled to the Father. However, in addition to being our Savior, Jesus is also Lord. As our Lord, we belong to Him and He has the power to decide our lives. Unfortunately, when many people hear the term Lord, it paints negative image in their minds. They believe that the lordship of Jesus is like the lordship of man, but nothing could be further from the truth!

When you and I allow Jesus to decide the course of our lives, the outcome will always be good. Before the foundation of the earth, God charted our course. He wrote the end of our story from the beginning and according to Jeremiah 29:11, it’s a good plan filled with peace and not evil! If you stop and think about it, God could make you serve him. After all He is God Almighty so who would have the power to stop Him? But that’s not the relationship He desires with humanity. He wants us to come to Him in love because we have realized the great love He has shown to us through Christ Jesus.

When Adam and Eve sinned, we lost the ability to enter into the presence of God. We couldn’t have face to face communication with him. Without His presence we lost our power and provision. Many people spend most of their lives working for provision and power without realizing that every need is met when we pursue a relationship with God through Christ.

Let me ask you a few questions, “Do you require the presence of God daily?” Are you okay as long as your needs are met? When you do spend time with God, do you listen to what He has to say or are you just telling him about what you need?

Right now, God is calling you into a love relationship with Him; a place where you seek his face, not just his hand. You may be thinking, “What about all the things I need?” Romans 8:32 tells us that He that did not spare his only Son has freely given us all things. God isn’t calling you and I to spend time with him so that we can go without, but because He knows that it’s only through Him that every need can be met in abundance.

I challenge you to examine your relationship with Christ. Look at the time you spend or don’t spend with Him and make the adjustment necessary. If you do, you will come to appreciate His Lordship in ways you never imagined and discover that Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to you…and me too!