Hey Dreamers,
As a dream coach and pastor, I work with women all the time and I constantly hear stories of how they don't feel they are good enough to live their God given dreams and experience all God has prepared for them. They can list their flaws without blinking but can't name 10 things they like about themselves. They don't realize, it's their own self talk that keep them feeling do unworthy. It's not their flaws & short comings that keep them stuck, it's their on negative perception. They way they belittle themselves, they don't need help from enemies of the devil. They have built a prison with their own sabotage.
Maybe you can relate. Maybe you are one of those women who tells everyone who they can do it, but yourself. Maybe you are guilty of failing to love and value you. I know you probably don't see it that way and you have a good excuse for why you talk so bad to you about you, but if you keep those excuses you'll never be free to be the best you possible. Self esteem is about how you feel about you. No one else determines that but you. If doesn't matter how many thousands of people believe in you or how many don't...what matters is what do you believe. So if you have low self esteem it's because you are choosing to believe crap about yourself and it's time to CHANGE!
Here are some steps to build your self esteem:
1) Decide to believe what God has said about you. Let's be real: how can you say you believe God but you don't believe about what He says about you? God has already said you are fearful (made with great care and thoughtfulness) and wonderfully made. Decide to believe Him and be your own hero
2) Stop rehearsing your failures and shortcomings. PSA: You aren't the only person who has blown it. We all have. The difference between those with low self esteem and those high self esteem is that those with high self esteem refuse to be defined by their failure. Learn from your mistakes and MOVE ON!
3) Become the CEO of your own fan club. It's great to cheer for others. Learn to cheer for yourself. That way if no one else does, you still have a cheer leader. Let the good things other think about support what you think about you, not define you. Spend some time daily reminding yourself what's great about you.
4) Quit being a victim. Decide that low self esteem is disempowering emotion that renders you powerless and causes you to live as a victim waiting on someone else to show up and rescue you by telling you are enough. You don't need that. Only you can rescue your self esteem from the pit.
5) Upgrade your treatment of YOU - Don't agree with me and go back to that garbage of beating yourself up. You are better than that and you deserve better than that. I don't care how you got here or how long you've lived here - it's time to move out and move forward! You are enough so treat yourself like you are enough!
I know that what I'm saying isn't easy, but it's doable. You don't need easy, you just need to decide that you are ready to move forward.
Action Steps:
Read these steps for the next 30 days and journal how yourself talk changes.
Share this blog with all of your friends who are struggling with the same issue, change together.
When you find yourself talking negative about yourself, put a dollar in jar and see how much you have at the end of 30 days. Take the money and invest in you!
Until next time!
Shun Strickland
As a dream coach and pastor, I work with women all the time and I constantly hear stories of how they don't feel they are good enough to live their God given dreams and experience all God has prepared for them. They can list their flaws without blinking but can't name 10 things they like about themselves. They don't realize, it's their own self talk that keep them feeling do unworthy. It's not their flaws & short comings that keep them stuck, it's their on negative perception. They way they belittle themselves, they don't need help from enemies of the devil. They have built a prison with their own sabotage.
Maybe you can relate. Maybe you are one of those women who tells everyone who they can do it, but yourself. Maybe you are guilty of failing to love and value you. I know you probably don't see it that way and you have a good excuse for why you talk so bad to you about you, but if you keep those excuses you'll never be free to be the best you possible. Self esteem is about how you feel about you. No one else determines that but you. If doesn't matter how many thousands of people believe in you or how many don't...what matters is what do you believe. So if you have low self esteem it's because you are choosing to believe crap about yourself and it's time to CHANGE!
Here are some steps to build your self esteem:
1) Decide to believe what God has said about you. Let's be real: how can you say you believe God but you don't believe about what He says about you? God has already said you are fearful (made with great care and thoughtfulness) and wonderfully made. Decide to believe Him and be your own hero
2) Stop rehearsing your failures and shortcomings. PSA: You aren't the only person who has blown it. We all have. The difference between those with low self esteem and those high self esteem is that those with high self esteem refuse to be defined by their failure. Learn from your mistakes and MOVE ON!
3) Become the CEO of your own fan club. It's great to cheer for others. Learn to cheer for yourself. That way if no one else does, you still have a cheer leader. Let the good things other think about support what you think about you, not define you. Spend some time daily reminding yourself what's great about you.
4) Quit being a victim. Decide that low self esteem is disempowering emotion that renders you powerless and causes you to live as a victim waiting on someone else to show up and rescue you by telling you are enough. You don't need that. Only you can rescue your self esteem from the pit.
5) Upgrade your treatment of YOU - Don't agree with me and go back to that garbage of beating yourself up. You are better than that and you deserve better than that. I don't care how you got here or how long you've lived here - it's time to move out and move forward! You are enough so treat yourself like you are enough!
I know that what I'm saying isn't easy, but it's doable. You don't need easy, you just need to decide that you are ready to move forward.
Action Steps:
Read these steps for the next 30 days and journal how yourself talk changes.
Share this blog with all of your friends who are struggling with the same issue, change together.
When you find yourself talking negative about yourself, put a dollar in jar and see how much you have at the end of 30 days. Take the money and invest in you!
Until next time!
Shun Strickland