Monday, November 8, 2010

Will the BEST YOU stand up and stand out?

Placed inside of each of us is tremendous ability! Before the foundation of the earth, our loving Father, decided that we would be a part of His plans to do beautiful and amazing things in the earth. Your relationship with Jesus connects you directly to the heart of the Father so you can know His plans for you! Think about it…God could have chosen to do it all alone, but instead He decides to give all of His children a role to play! The enemy thought he could thwart God’s plans with the little stunt in the garden because he was too dumb (he is so dumb) to realize that God is not reactionary, but proactive. Before the foundation of the earth the Lamb was slain so that there would never be any separation between God and his children that couldn’t be restored!

Expand your vision of the blood! The finished work of Jesus does so much more than access into Heaven once we depart from this life. It gives us access to the very heart and plans of God so that we can create Heaven here in this life! You’re here because there is something for you to do. Not just something boring, but something amazing that reveals God’s love and creativity!

We see people do amazing things all the time, but how much more could any of us do, if we realized that God Himself desires us to maximize our creativity? What happens when we realize that there are still ideas, concepts and inventions in His Hearth that haven’t been revealed to us? What if we decide to seek Him for what He longs to do through us? We often talk about worshipping God, but limit it to singing, lifted hands and tear. However, if we follow the model of the trees…true worship occurs when we fulfill purpose. Trees do what they were created to do, how about you? How were you created to worship God? Maybe it’s through song. Maybe you are an artist or an architect or an accountant, fashionista (you don’t think God has great fashion sense?), scientist, playwright, world class athlete, pastor, motivational speaker or teacher. Whatever the gift or gifts, we all have the privilege to maximize them so that God is glorified.

The book of Romans tells us the earth is groaning, longing for the sons of God to manifest. That’s more than going to church…that’s about taking your place as a child of God for the purpose to allowing His plans for you to shine in the earth. I often tell my children, “It’s not pride to want to be great; its pride to want to be great without God.” No one can be created in the image and likeness of God and want average and mundane living! You were created for great exploits and adventures with God leading the path.

God is so diverse and longs to show the diversity we each have. Let’s put away imitation and embrace our individuality. Let’s also celebrate our unique makeup and the distinctiveness of others! Come out the box! The world needs your best!

I’ll close today’s blog with a poem my Miriam Williamson. I pray that you are challenged and respond to the challenge by taking massive action to discover and become who the Father created you to be! We’re waiting!

Our Greatest Fear —
it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let's Talk about Money! Are you ready to retire?

I’ve spent the past month aggressively working to become financially literate. When I say financially literate, I’m not talking about balancing my checkbook and knowing the difference between an asset and a liability. A balanced checkbook tells me what I’ve already done, not where I’m headed. I’m talking “how does money work and why?” From what I have gathered thus far, most experts tell us to work hard, cut back and save money which seems like good advice and would be great advice if this was 1971, but unfortunately it’s 2010 and that advice alone will not position people to be financially independent. There are new money rules, but most of us didn’t follow the old money rules. Maybe that’s good thing because we don’t have much to unlearn.

History Lesson:

In 1971 President Nixon stopped the dollar from being backed by gold which changed the dollar from money to currency. This decision led to the demise of the Bretton Woods system which demanded that every nation adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate of its currency within in a fixed value –plus or minus one percent –in term of gold. This kept currency from floating. Once gold no longer backed the dollar it began to lose value because the U.S. could print currency that had no value. When the dollar was backed by gold, it made sense to save it. Now saving money is not the way to become financially independent. (For more information check out

The dollar is constantly losing value. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the dollar has lost 13.2% of its value since George W. Bush took office in January 2001. That means the dollar is losing its purchasing power. This is why the same bag of chips that costs $.75 in 2001 cost $1.29 today…the dollar is losing value. So what should we do? The short answer is that we need to learn how to invest our money in assets that are less likely to lose value. We use to hear that a home was an asset…well the latest recession proves that is not true. All around the nation, people are living in homes that they can’t sell because those homes have lost their value. There are many investment vehicles, but you’ll have to find the right one for you.

Here are some things that must occur to be prepared for whatever direction the economy may take:

We must take responsibility for our financial knowledge and future – Too many people expect someone else to rescue them financially. We have a generation of people preparing to retire that expect the government to pay them social security. Social security is on a fast train to bankruptcy. If you put your trust in it, you will be disappointed. Others have put all of their trust in 401K. We’ve had many corporations show us that we can’t trust them to provide our financial security. Others trust so called financial experts who have no personal proof that their advice works. Finally most people just keep working, spending and pretending that things are getting worse. Take responsibility!

The Bible says people perish for lack of knowledge! Most people do not have enough financial literacy to make intelligent decision regarding money. Do you k

Open your bills! Face your creditors! Pull your credit report! Stop ignoring your debt and current financial situation. In order to create a roadmap anywhere, you must locate where you are.

We must educate our children – Most of what we know about money we learned from our parents. Being a good parent doesn’t mean that you handle your finances well. The Bible says a wise man leaves and inheritance to His children’s children. Did you receive an inheritance? Will you leave one? Nothing just happens. We can’t live our lives paycheck to paycheck and then expect an abundance to be left to our children. We must prepare! Even if we plan to have life insurance policies to leave our children, we must teach prepare them to handle large sums of cash. If we want our children to be prepared we must teach them that it’s better to own Nike stock than Nike shoes.

We must embrace the process – Anything worth having is worth working for including financial freedom. Acquiring wealth is process that begins with our thinking. We must bombard our thinking with information about money. We must decide what financial freedom means. One person may say it’s no debt. Another may say it’s the freedom to pursue a dream job without having to consider money. What do you say?

We must not expect a quick fix – People are constantly being taken advantage of because they look for a quick fix. You must learn about money, identify your spending habits and develop a plan that will produce solid results long term. People are living above their means and using credit cards to finance their lives. When the credit cards are maxed out, they refinances their homes to continue the façade until the entire thing collapses.

I don’t claim to know it all because I’m still learning every day! However, I always try to share what I have learned. I hope this helps those of you who haven’t taken responsibility for your financial future to face your fears, get educated and pursue freedom!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Very Present Help in Trouble!

Have you heard the song that says, “He may not come when you want Him, but He’s always on time?” Do you sing it? Have you ever stopped to think about that song? Is it scriptural? These are the types of questions, a person who walks by faith must ask. There are scriptures that warn us to be aware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is really just a way to tell us to be aware of things that seem godly, but actually minimize the power of God.

You may be thinking there are scriptures in the Bible where God did not deliver the people when they wanted it. For example, the children of Israel in slavery in Egypt and you would be correct. However, here is something to consider: God told Abraham that his descendents would be enslaved for 430 years and at exactly 430 years, God delivered them. So who did God tell that you had to be bondage to debt, sickness, or a bad relationship for a certain period of time? Furthermore, when Jesus came He told us that He came to preach this acceptable year of the Lord. The acceptable year of the Lord refers to the year of Jubilee. In the Old Testament, every seven years was a year of deliverance, when they people were set free from everything bad. Jesus told us that what once happened every seven years was now available daily to all who would believe.

So why are so many people in bondage? The answer is simple…they don’t believe (because of a lack of knowledge or a refusal to accept the truth) that Jesus has ALREADY delivered them. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the expression of God in the earth. In other words, Jesus displayed the Father’s heart towards humanity. Can you find a place in scripture where Jesus made someone wait for deliverance? No you can’t. Do you want to know why? Those days are over with!

You and I have a better covenant! We are entitled to all of the natural blessing of Abraham as well as the spiritual rebirth through Christ. This means that we don’t have to stay bound! We are redeemed from all of the works of the enemy! What are the works of the enemy - sickness, disease, poverty, depression, bad relationships and anything else steals, kills and destroys. (Gal. 3:13-14, John 10:10)

Let’s look at these two scriptures:

“Now listen to me: You're a hardheaded bunch and hard to help. I'm ready to help you right now. Deliverance is not a long-range plan. Salvation isn't on hold. I'm putting salvation to work in Zion now, and glory in Israel." Isaiah 46:12 (Message)

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

I love that it says, “Deliverance is not a long range plan” and “The Word of God is quick” According to the dictionary, quick means “prompt, able to move with speed, keenly responsive.”

We need to change our view of God. When we are in trouble God doesn’t just sit back and wait to help us. In fact, Psalm 46:1 tells us that God is a very present help in the time of trouble. Many people think that when they are in trouble, they have to call God and wait on Him to come, but the Bible tells us that He is present in trouble. How is that possible? God dwells in us through His Spirit so He doesn’t have to come down from heaven to rescue us! Isn’t that good news?

So could it be that is has taken so long to receive healing, debt freedom or family restoration because our view of God is incorrect? What happens if you realize that God is with you now, longing to help you? What happens if you begin to study the Word and it becomes real to you that God loves you and has already provided deliverance for every problem you could ever be presented with? I think your life would change!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jesus Heals Them All

Many believers struggle with sickness, disease, anxiety and low self esteem daily? Could it be that they do not know the reality of the redemption available in Christ? The English word “salvation” does not fully communicate what the original Greek word “sozo” means. Typically when people hear the term salvation, they think “Heaven or hell” and while that true, it is an incomplete understanding of what Jesus did on the Cross for those who believe. “Sozo” means deliverance, preservation; material and temporal deliverance from danger and apprehension.” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words). Notice the word temporal which refers to earthly things. So Jesus came to deliver those who believe from sin and sickness.

This is an amazing promise! Isaiah 53 is about Jesus becoming the substitute from mankind. As I explained this to my children the other day, I used an illustration that I will share with you. Imagine that you have done something wrong and your parents have decided to spank you. You are on the bed preparing to receive what is rightfully yours, the spanking you deserve for your disobedience, but your brother or sister walk in and say, “Don’t spank her/him, spank me instead.” My kids immediately said “Someone would have to really love you to do that.” Well that’s how much God loves you! HE arranged a substitution for you! Isaiah 53 tells us that Jesus himself bore our sickness, disease, grief and sorrow! So it is not the will of God for you to be sick, depressed or bound in any area! Praise the Lord!

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and sickness is a part of those evil works. Many think that God uses sickness to teach his children lessons, but that is erroneous teaching. Often when people tell me that everyone “can’t get healed” I challenge them to confirm that by scripture instead of experience. What does that mean? It means instead of deciding what God will do based on life experience decide what He will do based on His Word. If you read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) you will discover that every time anyone came to Jesus, He healed them! In fact is Matthew 12:15 tells us that “He healed them all.” There is not one place in scripture where people came to Jesus and HE didn’t help them! Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever. Jesus is the same. He healed then and He heals now.

Unfortunately many believers haven’t fully comprehended the magnitude of what Jesus did on the Cross which causes them to struggle with sickness and disease. Not only did He deal with our eternity, but He made provision for right now. No more sin! No more sickness! Allowing sickness to operate in our bodies is like taking the spanking that our sibling has already taken. The price has been paid!

You don’t have to struggle, but you must make some changes in order to walk in freedom. You must get in the Word! Too many believers put more faith in the doctor’s report than the report of God. Often that is because they don’t know what God said. Here are some steps that will help!

1. Take the Word like medicine. Read the scriptures of Jesus healing the multitudes until your heart is convinced that healing is the will of God for you. Be consistent!

2. Find a faith filled church. There are lots of churches that love Jesus, but not so many that believe that the Jesus of the bible is still doing the same miracles today. If you are going to stand in faith, you need to be others who believe in divine healing too. Not people who are trying you to accept your sickness and die gracefully.

3. Obey God – God will give you instructions, follow them! He may correct your eating, increase your water intake, or send you to a certain doctor. Whatever He says do it!

4. Don’t complain about how hard faith is. It may be new, but it can’t be as hard as struggling with sickness, being controlled by fear, spending your money on doctors and medicine. Believing God is easy, you just have to learn what you can believe for!

You don’t have to be sick. God takes no pleasure in your sickness! He sent Jesus to ensure that sickness was dealt with. Now you have to believe it, expect and act in agreement! Remember Jesus healed them all!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Simply Believe

As I was sitting here studying faith, I came across the story of Jairus. Jairus was a father who's daughter was very ill. He went to Jesus and asked Jesus to come to his house to pray for his daughter. Jesus said yes. You can imagine that Jairus must have been so excited! The word on the street is that if Jesus prays, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the blind surely Jesus can help his little girl.

As they are on the way, another person who has also heard about Jesus decides to use her faith. She touches Jesus' garment believing that one touch will bring her healing. Jesus stops in his tracks because He feels power leave Him. Power only leaves when someone uses FAITH! He listens to her story...she has been sick for 12 years...struggling with an issue of blood. She's been to the best doctors, tried the home remedies and spent all of her money, but she's still bleeding. Then she hears about Jesus and all his great works so she decides that she will believe. Her faith causes her to leave her home even though law forbids it because she bleeding. Her faith gives her the strength to press through the crowd even though constantly losing blood makes her faith she pressed on. She touches Jesus and she is healed! Jesus doesn't rush her...He lets her tells her story. Her faith makes him happy. FINALLY she finishes.

While this is happening, I'm sure that Jairus must have had a mixture of emotions. Slightly irritated that she took this moment to use her faith...after all Jesus is headed to is house. Excited because watching Jesus perform miracle for this women built his confidence...his daughter would be healed. Just as the woman wraps up her thank yous, Jairus feels a tug on his robe, He turns to find his servant. Before the servant speaks a word, the look on his face reveals the news. " need to trouble the Rabbi....your daughter is dead." Can you imagine the emotions and thoughts that must have flooded Jairus' mind? So close, but not close enough. If only the woman hadn't come? If I had sought the Lord earlier, but before Jairus can utter a word...Jesus says, "Do not be seized with fear or alarm simply believe that I am able to do this and she shall be made well."

Jairus was in the same place that many of us face....God has given us a Word, but the circumstances make that promise seem impossible. What would he do? Even though Jesus was the healer, whether healing made it to Jairus' daughter was based on Jairus...not Jesus. Would he, could he dare to believe that Jesus could still do something. Jairus was a smart man, instead of allowing his emotions to control him, he held on to what Jesus said. He chose to "simply believe"

He believed as he encountered all the people seeking to comfort him. He believed when his wife meet him with tears streaming down her faith. He believed when Jesus told the people the little girl was sleeping and they mocked him. He believed as he walked into the room with Jesus, his wife and the disciples and saw her laying there....clearly dead...

He believed and right before his eyes the impossible became a reality...His little girl woke up!

The lesson we can learn from Jairus is that sometimes you just have to be quiet. You're too emotional to say what God has said so you just have to focus on His promise. You have to be willing to ignore the people who think you are crazy or in denial and even those who mock you. You have to stay focused on what God has said. If you will see...Just like Jairus...

The walk is faith is this...simply believe....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

God and Money

“Above all I wish that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 2

God wants His children to prosper in every area including financially. God knows that the world we live in requires money. It takes money to provide a home for your family, money to feed and clothe your family, money to get fuel to go to work. Money is important. Yet, so many believers falsely believe that God is somehow “anti” money. It probably started with this mistranslation “Money is the root of all evil.” The scripture actually says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10) This means that the wrong relationship with money is the root of all evil. What’s the wrong relationship with money? It is to trust in money; to exalt it has the number one priority. God should be Number One not money. In fact He tells us that if we seek Him, learn His ways and faithfully follow them, He will add all the things we need to us. (Matthew 6:33)

If God is willing to add things and money to us, then having money and things can’t be wrong. God wants us to seek Him for what we need. He wants to prosper us financially, but He wants us to see Him has our security not the money. Many have thought that being broke is the way to see God has our security, but most poor people spend more time thinking about money than rich people. A poor man is consumed with the thoughts of money because there is never enough. He is constantly thinking of ways to stretch what he has or looking for ways to get more. The man who has more than enough doesn’t have to be consumed with thoughts of money all day because the money is there to be used. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that there are people who have money who are just as controlled by it as people without. My point is that having money or not having money doesn’t make you more God focused, but being God focused can get rid of your money troubles.

“I have given you the power to get wealth.” (Deut 8:18) “Wealth and riches shall be in your house.” (Psalm 112:3) “I will increase you more and more, you and your children.” Psalm 115:14 “My God shall supply your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Phill 4:19)

I think my favorite prosperity scripture is “The blessing of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow.” (Proverbs 10:22) When God empowers us to get wealth it causes us to prosper without the sorrow. There are many people who have money, but they work all the time and never see their spouses or children…that is sorrow. Or they spend so much time climbing the corporate ladder that they never have time for a spouse or a family…that is sorrow. Or they work themselves into bad health and an early grave…that is sorrow.

Isaiah 48:17 – God will teach us to profit. God knows how to increase and experience prosperity without destroying a person’s health, relationships or peace of mind. So why don’t more people do things God’s way? They either don’t know or they don’t believe. The bible says that the wisdom of God is foolishness to men. God on purpose chose a system of increase that is a direct contradict to our natural minds. It is the system to seedtime and harvest. “Give and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.” Luke 6:38

Malachi 3 –“Bring me the tithe and I’ll open up the heavens and empower you to prosper and I’ll keep the devil from stealing the fruit of your labor” (Author’s paraphrase. Because God’s system of increase is based on giving in a world that focused on receiving many Christians miss out. They spend their years struggling because they think they can’t afford to give or they are so concerned about what the preacher will do with the money. You can’t afford not to give. Giving in accordance with the Word, keep Heaven connected to your finances and Heaven NEVER has a recession. It keeps God pouring out ideas that will cause you to prosper no matter what is going on in the economy.

As far as the preacher wanting your money…if you don’t trust your pastor…find a new church! The kingdom operates by authority. God has set people to teach you how to operate in the kingdom…if you don’t trust the person who is teaching you…it will not work. According to Ephesians the apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers are here to help believers develop and grow. If you don’t trust your pastor how can he/she help you develop in faith?

The way to know whether your pastor is teaching you right is get in the Word yourself, spend time in prayer yourself and learn to be led by the Holy Spirit yourself! Often people reject something like the message of prosperity because it’s contrary to what they have previously been taught, but before you decide God’s will isn’t prosperity you should search the Word for yourself!

In this hour that we live it, I take great comfort in knowing that God is concerned about my financial needs. Learning to trust God to provide didn’t happen overnight, but it’s a process of spending time in the Word and spending time. Others can encourage you, but ultimately believing God is a choice you have to make and a journey you have to take.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do you have a Champion Mentality?

In my mind, winning and Christianity go hand in hand. A Christian who goes through life defeated by sin, the enemy and the world has truly missed the point of what Jesus gave us through his death and resurrection. Jesus defeated sin and satan - that's winning! He then empowered each of us with the ability to overcome the circumstances of life. He is endowed us with strength, wisdom, knowledge and grace (just to name a few) & with this incredible arsenal of tools, there is no way that we should lose! Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Corinthians 15:57)

So why are so many Christians going through life defeated? I think the answer is found in Romans 12:2. We are instructed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so we may prove God's good, perfect and acceptable will for our lives. Unless we change our thinking, we will live beneath our God given potential. First we need to understand that God has given us EVERYTHING we need to succeed in life! Whatever skills, character traits, special abilities we need to have be victorious God has already given them to us. But we are responsible for the develop of those gifts. We must resist the urge to "wait on God" when we define this as doing nothing until He does something. After we have heard the Word and studied the Word we must DO the Word. Here's an example Proverbs 22:29 says that a man diligent in business will stand before great men. If doesn't say that a Christian will stand before great men, it says a diligent man will stand before great men. So if I am a teacher, I don't get promotion because I am Christian, but because I am diligent. Diligence means that I work at my craft. Sadly many believers think that favor should cause us to move to the front of the line even when we are unprepared. Our diligence and commitment to excellence opens the door for favor to work on our behalf.

To demand more of ourselves is the mindset of a champion. This commitment is not just about work or school, but it should invade every area of our lives. If we are married, we should work to make our marriage the best it can be. We should never be satisfied with an "average" relationship. We should always look for ways to enhance our communication, our intimacy and our play times. The goal of a champion is to be the best, to consistently bring our A game. If we are single we should make the most out of that experience as well. We should maximize every season of our lives and refuse to buy into the mindset that we are limited because we are single or married, we are only limited by our lack of creativity...which by the way creativity is another gift God has given us.

If we are in school, we should give our all. We should refuse to go through the motions of just going to class. We should demand that we show up to every class prepared and ready to learn. If we work, we should resist the urge to be ungrateful. Thankfulness is another trait we are responsible for developing. If we no longer like our jobs, we are still required as champions to bring our best. We always have the option of pursuing other opportunities, but continued complaining is not the mark of Christian, Champions or excellence.

Finally, spiritual growth doesn't just happen. Accepting Jesus is the first step but learning to live in the kingdom is continual process. This is the reason we shouldn't neglect our personal study time or our weekly fellowship. It does matter where you go to church! You need to find a place that doesn't make you feel bad all the time, but you also need a place that doesn't make you feel good all the time. You should be encouraged, stretched and challenged to consistently offer Jesus the best you have in every area of your life. Constantly requiring more of yourself in your character equips you to overcome the challenges and attacks the enemy will certainly bring your way. A committment to winning and excellence will give you the internal fortitude you need to keep going even when times are tough.

Here's a personal challenge - at the end of every day ask yourself one question "Did I bring my A game today?" A true champion will honestly answer yes way more than they answer no!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Your time for deliverance is NOW!

Everybody has issues right? We're all dealing with something from our past, maybe our present that keeps us from experiencing the abundant life Jesus has for us. So how to we get past our issues?

First, we realize that Jesus died to set us free from every weapon of the enemy. Not just the visible enemies of sickness and poverty, but the silent killers...depression, anger, low self esteem, trust issues...whatever it is...Jesus has handled it.

Second, recognize that is Jesus has paid the price for my freedom, then walking around in bondage of any kind is unacceptable. Begin to expect freedom! Refuse to accept any issues as normal. According to Colossians 1:13-14, those who accept Jesus are translated out of darkness into the kingdom of God...It's a kingdom of love. A place of acceptance, freedom and peace. That's your inheritance!

Third, realize that deliverance begins with a decision, but is fully realized through God encounters. I must make a decision to refuse to accept anything less than what was purchased for me through the Cross and Resurrection. Then I must come to Jesus expecting Him make that deliverance a reality in my life. Trying to will myself into a place of wholeness is nothing more than secular humanism. I'm not my own God...I can't deliver myself. I can't control my mind enough to push away the pain of my past. I can manage it through controlling my mind, but managing isn't's management.

Finally, go to God. I can't tell God what I think He wants to hear. I have to admit whatever it is. I have to pour my heart about before Him not complaining, but expecting Him to heal my heart. I must trust that if my heart is too broken to be repaired...He will give me a new one.

Luke 18 paints the picture of how we should come to God. It's the story of a woman who has been taken advantage of by an enemy. She goes to the king and ask him to avenge her...deliver her of her bondage...the king is wicked so he ignores her, but she's so persistent in her requests that finally he relents and gives her what she needs. She keeps coming because she knows the king is the only one who can make her whole. The point of the story is the woman's attitude. Is that the attitude we have about our issues? Are we consistent and persistent in our approach to God because we know He's the only one who can deliver us or are we content to manage our issues with food, drugs, alcohol, sex, brainless tv or whatever else we use to dummy the pain?

Come and keep on coming to God. Not because you have to convince Him to set you free, but because sometimes deliverance comes in layers b/c our pain is so deep in our hearts. Come expecting, believing and confident that your time for deliverance is NOW!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy 2010

Hope everyone is off to a great start in 2010! Remember that God loves you and that everything you need is found in His presence so make spending time with Him a priority. I love you guys and look forward to blogging this year.

Here's a link from a message I preached last Sunday. It's about love and how the love God calls us to walk in isn't learned, but downloaded through Holy Spirit. I pray you are blessed and encouraged as you watch!