Thursday, September 17, 2009

Are you a mean Christian?

I spend a lot of time talking to people who haven't given their lives to Christ or people who have walked away from the church. In most of those cases, those people have rejected Christ not because they have an issue with Christ himself, but because they have an issue with those represent him. Do you know why that is? Cause church folks can be so mean!

For example if someone "from the world" comes to church why would we talk about what they wear? Of course they wear party clothes that's the life they live! If you care, then buy them something else. Otherwise, be quiet and let the Holy Spirit do His job which is change people from inside out.

God is love. He loves people even before they accept Him...that's why He sent Jesus. He knows that we aren't perfect, nor does He expect perfection from us. At least not perfection in the sense that we never make a mistake or sin. IF it was that easy, there would not have been a need for Jesus to die on the Cross...we could have just choosen perfection. Now that's not a license to do whatever I like b/c like the Apostel Paul said we should be "constrained by the love of God."

For the doesn't go around pointing out people's faults...looking for every opportunity to tell them how much they've sinned. Love doesn't keep record of wrongs. Love believes the best about people. Love isn't always talking about hell. Speaking of which...I believe there is a heaven and a hell, but when I read about how Jesus and the disciples lead people into the kingdom, they never mentioned hell. So it's interesting to me that most calls to salvation inside and outside the church talk about hell.

When Jesus met the woman at the well, he didn't say, "Look you're a whore and if you don't change you're going to hell." Why not? He knew that if He could show her the love of God, she would come to him and HE could deliver her from the bondage of whoredom." Same for calling in the disciples...he doesn't tell them about hell if they don't follow why in the world do Christians keep trying to scare people out of hell into the kingdom?

Am I the only one who has the experience of coming to Jesus because I'm scared to death of going to hell? Over time the fear leaves and the feelings that I was never going to be able to stop sinning so I was going to hell anyway caused me to just walk away from church. It wasn't until I learned the love of God and that he wasn't sitting in the sky with a big button waiting to sin me to hell that I was able to continue walking with him.

Between church people talking about hell and being mean as, well you know what fits there, why would anyone want to be a Christian? Even as a pastor, I can honestly tell you that most of the stuff I hear people say about the kingdom doesn't make me want to join. And then when you combine that with a group of people who say they know Jesus, but spend all their time pointing out your it any wonder people are rejecting Christ?

So what can we do? We can remember that people who are sinners SIN and even people who love God still sin until they are renewed in their minds so we ask God to show us people as HE SEES THEM not as they are. We can remember that no one is perfect and we all have shortcomings and we can treat people the way we want to be treated when and if we blow it. We can stop gossiping about the mistakes people make while pretending we are just telling to pray about it. We can take a new believer or a struggling believer under our wing and spend time "modeling" what love, holiness and integrity look like. We can be compassionate and empathetic remembering that whatever we've been delivered because of grace...because of love.

My challenge to every believer is that we put judgment down and pick up love and grace. When we have to point out someone's sin, we do it from a place of true love and concern and a desire to see them be free...not a reminder that hell waits on the edges if they don't change. That we remember that NO ONE is perfect and that we all have things we are working on, but it doesn't mean we don't love God...we're just growing up in Christ. When we have an opportunity to lead people to Christ, we model Jesus lead them into a kingdom of love....


Felise said...

This is so on point!!! I think sometimes Christians are busy pointing out the faults of others because that takes the focus off of their own faults. Another thing that comes to mind is legalism. We sometimes forget about God's grace is get stuck on legality (Be good or God will get you). Some of us grew up under that type of teaching and just have to be retaught. I think you're just the person to do it!!

Lara said...

That will rise up in my me too. I'll forget where I was and judge. My husband is quick to say, "Lara, people are just people." My expectations are too high and I forget so easily just like the Israelites what God has done for me. It is easy to forget. This is exactly what I have been focusing on. Love. Love doesn't keep a record of wrongs. Love always hopes, always trusts. My expectation of people now that I meditate on until my thinking is transformed is just that..."People are just people".

Thanks, for being real and restablishing that for me. So, cool how God works.

Looking forward for more!

Elaine said...

This is such a good thing to think about,b/c most people don't see the church as being a place for sick people, just as a hospital, would you be mean to a person you sat beside when you took someone to the emergency room? Would you talk about how they are dressed or looked. People come to church to be helped or healed in some area of their lives,some come b/c they were invited,some b/c they are courious to see if all people in church act the same. My thoughts just for the record "all people you find in church aren't christians some are just church go-ers,there everytime the doors are open,to make themselves feel bigger than the people they point fingers at. LIVE THE LOVE