Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do you have a Champion Mentality?

In my mind, winning and Christianity go hand in hand. A Christian who goes through life defeated by sin, the enemy and the world has truly missed the point of what Jesus gave us through his death and resurrection. Jesus defeated sin and satan - that's winning! He then empowered each of us with the ability to overcome the circumstances of life. He is endowed us with strength, wisdom, knowledge and grace (just to name a few) & with this incredible arsenal of tools, there is no way that we should lose! Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Corinthians 15:57)

So why are so many Christians going through life defeated? I think the answer is found in Romans 12:2. We are instructed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so we may prove God's good, perfect and acceptable will for our lives. Unless we change our thinking, we will live beneath our God given potential. First we need to understand that God has given us EVERYTHING we need to succeed in life! Whatever skills, character traits, special abilities we need to have be victorious God has already given them to us. But we are responsible for the develop of those gifts. We must resist the urge to "wait on God" when we define this as doing nothing until He does something. After we have heard the Word and studied the Word we must DO the Word. Here's an example Proverbs 22:29 says that a man diligent in business will stand before great men. If doesn't say that a Christian will stand before great men, it says a diligent man will stand before great men. So if I am a teacher, I don't get promotion because I am Christian, but because I am diligent. Diligence means that I work at my craft. Sadly many believers think that favor should cause us to move to the front of the line even when we are unprepared. Our diligence and commitment to excellence opens the door for favor to work on our behalf.

To demand more of ourselves is the mindset of a champion. This commitment is not just about work or school, but it should invade every area of our lives. If we are married, we should work to make our marriage the best it can be. We should never be satisfied with an "average" relationship. We should always look for ways to enhance our communication, our intimacy and our play times. The goal of a champion is to be the best, to consistently bring our A game. If we are single we should make the most out of that experience as well. We should maximize every season of our lives and refuse to buy into the mindset that we are limited because we are single or married, we are only limited by our lack of creativity...which by the way creativity is another gift God has given us.

If we are in school, we should give our all. We should refuse to go through the motions of just going to class. We should demand that we show up to every class prepared and ready to learn. If we work, we should resist the urge to be ungrateful. Thankfulness is another trait we are responsible for developing. If we no longer like our jobs, we are still required as champions to bring our best. We always have the option of pursuing other opportunities, but continued complaining is not the mark of Christian, Champions or excellence.

Finally, spiritual growth doesn't just happen. Accepting Jesus is the first step but learning to live in the kingdom is continual process. This is the reason we shouldn't neglect our personal study time or our weekly fellowship. It does matter where you go to church! You need to find a place that doesn't make you feel bad all the time, but you also need a place that doesn't make you feel good all the time. You should be encouraged, stretched and challenged to consistently offer Jesus the best you have in every area of your life. Constantly requiring more of yourself in your character equips you to overcome the challenges and attacks the enemy will certainly bring your way. A committment to winning and excellence will give you the internal fortitude you need to keep going even when times are tough.

Here's a personal challenge - at the end of every day ask yourself one question "Did I bring my A game today?" A true champion will honestly answer yes way more than they answer no!

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