Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Simply Believe

As I was sitting here studying faith, I came across the story of Jairus. Jairus was a father who's daughter was very ill. He went to Jesus and asked Jesus to come to his house to pray for his daughter. Jesus said yes. You can imagine that Jairus must have been so excited! The word on the street is that if Jesus prays, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the blind surely Jesus can help his little girl.

As they are on the way, another person who has also heard about Jesus decides to use her faith. She touches Jesus' garment believing that one touch will bring her healing. Jesus stops in his tracks because He feels power leave Him. Power only leaves when someone uses FAITH! He listens to her story...she has been sick for 12 years...struggling with an issue of blood. She's been to the best doctors, tried the home remedies and spent all of her money, but she's still bleeding. Then she hears about Jesus and all his great works so she decides that she will believe. Her faith causes her to leave her home even though law forbids it because she bleeding. Her faith gives her the strength to press through the crowd even though constantly losing blood makes her faith she pressed on. She touches Jesus and she is healed! Jesus doesn't rush her...He lets her tells her story. Her faith makes him happy. FINALLY she finishes.

While this is happening, I'm sure that Jairus must have had a mixture of emotions. Slightly irritated that she took this moment to use her faith...after all Jesus is headed to is house. Excited because watching Jesus perform miracle for this women built his confidence...his daughter would be healed. Just as the woman wraps up her thank yous, Jairus feels a tug on his robe, He turns to find his servant. Before the servant speaks a word, the look on his face reveals the news. " need to trouble the Rabbi....your daughter is dead." Can you imagine the emotions and thoughts that must have flooded Jairus' mind? So close, but not close enough. If only the woman hadn't come? If I had sought the Lord earlier, but before Jairus can utter a word...Jesus says, "Do not be seized with fear or alarm simply believe that I am able to do this and she shall be made well."

Jairus was in the same place that many of us face....God has given us a Word, but the circumstances make that promise seem impossible. What would he do? Even though Jesus was the healer, whether healing made it to Jairus' daughter was based on Jairus...not Jesus. Would he, could he dare to believe that Jesus could still do something. Jairus was a smart man, instead of allowing his emotions to control him, he held on to what Jesus said. He chose to "simply believe"

He believed as he encountered all the people seeking to comfort him. He believed when his wife meet him with tears streaming down her faith. He believed when Jesus told the people the little girl was sleeping and they mocked him. He believed as he walked into the room with Jesus, his wife and the disciples and saw her laying there....clearly dead...

He believed and right before his eyes the impossible became a reality...His little girl woke up!

The lesson we can learn from Jairus is that sometimes you just have to be quiet. You're too emotional to say what God has said so you just have to focus on His promise. You have to be willing to ignore the people who think you are crazy or in denial and even those who mock you. You have to stay focused on what God has said. If you will see...Just like Jairus...

The walk is faith is this...simply believe....

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